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The Glassblower

What's this? A recent, unedited, unaltered photograph sneaking it way onto this web site? What's my portfolio coming to! ...

I felt a different approach to taking a standard (I define standard as dull yet acceptable) photograph was called for. The glassblower is purposely out of focus in the background, while his wares are in focus in the foreground. I believe this produces a rather dramatic effect, maximizing both the available natural light and color. Had everything been in focus, it is my opinion the resulting image would have been to "busy" and filled with several elements all competing for your attention, detracting from the whole.

I tend to forget to take notes as to what settings I am using for a particular image. (We all have our bad habits.) I believe this one was taken with a 50mm lens. It is unaltered, unedited, etc.  I have cropped the final image from the negative to the print you see here, and added a digital watermark.

Comment away - Would you like to see more photography like this image on my web site? Let me know!

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Twilight Realms uses Digimarc software to digitally watermark its images.

The Glassblower is copyright 2001 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.
Twilight Realms is copyright 1999-2003 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.