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The Veteran

Photographic Portfolio
Demonstration of Sepia Technique

Loyalty Day Parade
Willow Grove, PA, USA
05 May 2002

This photograph was taken with a telephoto lens. I am sometimes amazed at how rude people can be when they take pictures. Certain 35mm photographers need to learn that you may need to change fixed focal length lenses (or use a zoom lens, if that is your preference) to get the picture you want without being "intrusive" on a subject's personal space...and remember, when veterans "march" by, it's all right to applaud as a way of saying thank you...we owe them at least that small gesture!

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The Veteran is copyright 2002 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.
Twilight Realms is copyright 1999-2003 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.