Art Gallery
Instructions for using these images for
desktop backgrounds or in a screen saver.
DESKTOP (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 Users):

1) First ensure you are at the large image page of the desired graphic. (The images on the index page are small thumbnail size images of the real thing.)

2) You can now make the image your desktop wallpaper. Position your mouse over the image, right click the mouse and choose "Set as Wallpaper". (This feature is available in most versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape.)

3) The image should be centered for best results. Right click on any blank space on your desktop, choose "Properties" from the bottom of the drop down menu that appears. Next to "Display" you will see two choices labeled "tile" and "center", choose center. Then click on "ok" to accept the changes.

SCREEN SAVER (Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 Users):

Warning: This involves a bit of work and is not recommended for the casual computer user -  but the results are worth it!

You will need to download all the images that you choose to use in your screen saver display. Go to the large image pages. Position the mouse over the desired image, right click, and choose "save image/ picture as". Place all the images you want to use in the screen saver in their own directory.

You will also need a screen saver program which is FREE. Several are available. I prefer one called Free Screen Saver Maker as it is a FREE 32-bit screen saver for displaying your collection of image files. CLICK HERE for a web page (which will open in a new window) to download the latest version of any one of several FREE screen savers.

At this point you must read and follow the direction that came with whichever screensaver you chose to use.

The instructions above are for Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 computers. If anyone would be kind enough to send me instructions for other operating systems (Macintosh, XP, etc.) I will be happy to include them as well.

I hope you enjoy using these images as wallpaper and/or as a screen saver!

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Twilight Realms is copyright 1999-2003 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.