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There Goes the Neighborhood - file size is 116KB - Please wait while the image loads

There Goes The Neighborhood

If you love the people and things you love because of who and what they are, then why are you in such a hurry to change them?

I decided the first image added to this gallery during the year 2000 would be somewhat more philosophical than usual. It is an image rendered entirely in Bryce and is another interesting experiment in the use of light to set a mood.

Of special note is the landscape in the middle right of the image. Notice the trees, bushes, etc. which cover that landmass - and the shadows they cast. I have been developing various landscaping techniques to try to raise the "reality" of an artificial landscape image. This is the first time anyone has seen the results of this series of experiments.

Due to the extreme amount of detail in this image, viewing the 1024x768 version is highly recommended. Among the long list of items which tend to loose substantial detail at a 640x480 resolution (above) are the sailing ships.

This image is available in several sizes for you to enjoy as desktop wallpaper. You may click on any of the following links to gain access to a larger image. Please choose from: 800x600 and 1024x768. Remember that these larger image files will take longer to download!
Twilight Realms uses Digimarc software to digitally watermark its images.

There Goes the Neighborhood is copyright 2000 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.
Twilight Realms is copyright 1999-2003 by Manuel Revilla, all rights reserved.